Thursday, March 26, 2020

Finding a Tutor For Your Teen In Laramie, WY

Finding a Tutor For Your Teen In Laramie, WYYour teen would need a tutor in Laramie to help them take part in extracurricular activities. Many kids who enjoy extracurricular activities are easy to impress as they work hard for their clubs. Find out how you can help your teen feel good about their participation. To get the most out of your engagement with your teen, you should look for ways to be the best partner.The first thing you need to do is make sure that your teenager gets to participate in a special tutoring program. This is one of the best ways to make your teen feel more involved in the activity. You should set aside an hour or two a week to facilitate your teenager's time and effort. Here is a list of things that you need to remember when you set up your tutoring program. Make sure you arrange a way for your teen to participate.Teenagers who don't have a tutor will be a lot more likely to feel embarrassed if they are the only ones participating. It is important to find out how your teen feels about this. In order to do this, let them know that you will assign tasks to them and that you will share ideas. Make sure that this is happening as a program to help them enjoy their participation.Teens are social creatures and it is important to let them feel as involved as possible. One way to accomplish this is to allow them to come up with games or challenges themselves. If they come up with ideas or puzzles, your teen can then go ahead and share the information with other teens.Teens are very much interested in having a tutor for an hour or two per week. Try to find a mentor. Don't let your teen pick the tutors on their own. This will create a sense of distance between them and the tutor. Don't be concerned that they won't be able to get help; the idea is to make sure they are not completely isolated.The group's culture may be different from that of the teen's home community. It can be hard to know what to expect, so discuss any concerns they have with the teacher or mentor. Ask the teens what they have in common and see how they react to the challenges.Finding the right person for the job is a process that can be made easier by talking to your teen and looking at your teen's interests. The only problem is that your teen's interest is often much stronger than yours. This is where your sense of humor comes in.

Friday, March 6, 2020

IT For Beginners A Guide In Word Processing!

IT For Beginners A Guide In Word Processing! How To Do Effective Word Processing On Your Computer? ChaptersWhat Is A Word ProcessorWhat Is A Word Processor Used For?How To Decide Which Word Processor To Use?The Most Suitable Text Processing On Windows?What Do You Need For Word Processing On A Mac ComputerOther Leading SoftwareThe Top Shortcuts To Use In Word Processing!How To Use The Shortcut CombinationsOther Useful Tips For New And Practised Word Processor Users!IT for beginners build with support in mind because there is so much to learn about the PC. Because devices and computing have become integral in our society. Every job you apply for will see it as a bonus if you have some computing skills. If you are studying and handing in homework, you may be surprised that your handwritten notes are refused. Need to write to the local council to ask them about a service, it is best to type it. Not to mention if you want to write a book, do some research, type up your notes, make a business plan for the bank, or create a multi-page presentation for the board of your company.IT and wor d processing are used in all parts of our daily lives from government office to child's homework. IT serves to make your life more convenient (once you know what you are doing) and also to open doors for you professionally as computing counts as an important skill.Let's take a look at how to get started with word processing.Every job you apply for will see it as a bonus if you have some computing skills. Photo Source: UnsplashI use each of the three pieces of software for different things, MS word is where I do my long-form writing, MS OneNote is for my notes, organisation and planning and Google docs is where I do draft work when I am on the road using my phone or tablet devices.The best way to decide which software to use is to consider what you want to use the software for. Match your requirement to the functionality of the software and then try it to see how you feel. Even paid software tends to come with a trial, and of course, there is also a large variety of free software ava ilable.IT and word processing are used in all parts of our daily lives. Photo Source: UnsplashThe Most Suitable Text Processing On Windows?There is so much available for windows, you will also find a good range of software and prices available. Starting at free to hundreds of pounds, with the defining factor only being what it is that you are interested in doing on your pc no matter how basic. However, the software has really developed and even free software these days can be enough to create impressive presentations for your professional career or write a business plan for your company.Microsoft WordThe most popular software and the industry standard for most office on the planet is Microsoft (MS) Office suite. Part of that suite is MS word, which is a powerhouse software that covers the needs of the novice and advanced user alike.The feature of this software is too many to list but here are some of MS words robust features:This popular Word processing software allows you to :Do al l basic document creation, editing, formatting and production.Format any advertising, reports, presentations or communication material,Turn your full-text document into a PDF document, which allows people to view the document but not make any changes. Great for better distribution,Type as much or as little, and you like with spacing and syntax correction,Open a file from your documents or other folders.Some advanced features can be used, such as the Word GUI or the toolbar.MS word also had cloud, collaboration and sharing capabilitiesIf the primary feature is not enough, you can extend the features with add ons. Which allows you to create truly personal software that suits the way that you use it.Other short cut examplesClose a file: Ctrl + WSuperimpose document windows: Shift + F5:Switch to full-screen mode: F11Change the keyboard language (preinstalled): Ctrl + Shift (Windows 7) or Cmd + Space (Mac)How To Use The Shortcut CombinationsWhen creating the combinations on your keyboard . You will press the indicated keys at the same time, you do not need to press the + key.For example:If you want to activate a new document with the Ctrl+N combination.Locate the Ctrl keyLocate the N keyPressed them together to get a new document.* The + symbol, in this case, means ‘and’ it is not a part of the combination. Before selecting the software for your mac or windows machine, think about what you are going to use the software for and how often will you be using the software. Once you have selected your software, you can then start to practice with how to use your software, incorporating shortcuts and typing practice. Slowly you will build confidence which is always much more important than knowing where the edit tab is anyway.Other Useful Tips For New And Practised Word Processor Users!As with most things, practice makes perfect. That is why it is so good to really get to know your word processor and what it can do, thus improving your efficiency and productivity. But don't worry, you don't have to sit at your computer all day playing with shortcuts, hidden keys and concealed features, we're here to help you discover the true power of a word processor in less than 5 minutes by reading the tips and tricks below!Using the zoom featureFor some, the 90-odd per cent view that they are automatically displayed with on Microsoft Word is not large enough. To avoid straining your eyes, you can easily make the page and thus text appear bigger by zooming to 100% or beyond but remember that the closer you hone in on your text, the more scrolling you'll have to do from left to right and the less text you'll see. Use the View Zoom option to make your selection, or look out for for the 100% tab if you want to achieve this full screen quicker. On some versions of Word, you can use a slider to easily zoom in and out.Avoid wasting time deleting single charactersMany people don't realise that you can delete whole words or selections at once rather than simply click ing or holding down the backspace button (and normally erasing more than you want to and have to re-write chunks of text!) so, if that sounds familiar, this one is for you. Either use your mouse to select the sentence you wish to delete (not you can double click on a single word to highlight it) and then use the delete button. You can also press Ctrl+Backspace with the mouse cursor placed after the word you want to get rid of, and then erase one word at a time.Using Smart Lookup to search the InternetYou've probably seen Smart Lookup appear on the page at some point in your word processing history, but you may not know what this feature does. Well, we can tell you! If you highlight a word in your text and right-click on it, this option will come up. It acts as a shortcut to the World Wide Web, allowing you to do a quick search on your browser, generated by the Word document. This cuts out the process of opening up a tab, minimising and clicking back and forth, thus cutting out valua ble time that would otherwise have been wasted.Take away unwanted or unnecessary formattingUnwanted formatting can be a real pain and can slow you down, especially if it interferes with how you want to see your text. Instead of going through an entire document to remove unwanted formatting, press Ctrl+Space (or you can find a Clear All Formatting tab) to remove formatting from the previously highlighted text. Want the whole document cleaned up? No problem, just press Ctrl+A to highlight your entire text then follow the instructions. Some modern version of Word have a quick tool for this, which looks like a rubber or eraser with a letter A on it.Talk to your word processorTechnology is so smart now, that even your word processor can take instructions! Most new versions of Microsoft Word have a 'Tell me what you want to do' bar on the main toolbar, meaning that you can simply type a word or instructive phrase and it will quickly find the command you need. Unfortunately, it can't yet m ake you a cup of tea. Come on Microsoft!Using clicks to select chunks of textWe already told you about double-clicking on a word to highlight it, right? Well, if you're ready to take this newfound knowledge to the next level, then why not try triple-clicking to select whole chunks or paragraphs of copy?Inserting links into a documentWhile you can use the toolbar to find the Insert Link button, there is a quicker way of doing this for those who work on providing web copy and need to insert various links throughout their text. Press Ctrl+K to save yourself a bit of time and crack on with writing your text.Select default font  Word has been programmed to offer you a specific default font, but what if you don't like that font or if all of your work needs to be in a different font altogether? That's no issue. You can set your own default font by going to Format Font and then selecting the option you want and making it the default.Scanning your text for a word  If you are searching for a particular word or string of words in a large document, use your mouse to select the find command or press Ctrl+F and you will be presented with a small box and search bar. Type what you are looking for and the word processor will highlight all appearances of that word in the entire text. You can then use the arrows provided to skip to the next instance or you can scroll up and down manually using your cursor. Did you also know that you can use a Find function when the document is closed too? When opening up your Explorer, you can search a whole folder for specific words or tags.Finding and replacingFollowing on from the above tip, some find it useful to find and replace words in a single click. You can look out for the magnifying glass button and click Replace to automatically change a word or phrase with a different word or phrase. Just imagine if you've written a whole essay on a book and you realise that you've misspelt a word... this function could save your life!

Online Square Root of 75 Tutors

Online Square Root of 75 Tutors Square root of 75 can be calculated using the prime factorization method. Square root of 75 is represented as 75 where is the square root radical sign. In order to find the square root of 75, we can first split the number 75 into its prime factors which implies 75 = 3 * 5 * 5. Hence we get 75 = (3 * 5 * 5) and now we can simplify this further by pulling out the number repeating twice inside the radical. Therefore we get, 75 = 53. Example 1: Simplify the given expression, 3 + 75. Here each square root radical should be simplified further. 3 cannot be simplified further as it is already in its simplified form since no number is repeating twice inside the radical to be pulled out. And we have 75 = 53. So, 3 + 75 = 13 + 53 = (1 + 5) 3 = 63. (They are like terms since they have the same radical 3 and hence can be added). Hence the value of the expression, 3 + 75 is = 63. Example 2: Simplify the given expression, 3 * 75. Here each square root radical should be simplified further. 3 cannot be simplified further as it is already in its simplified form since no number is repeating twice inside the radical to be pulled out. And we have 75 = 53. So, 3 * 75 = 3 * 53 = 5 * (3 * 3) = 5 * 3= 15. Hence the value of the expression, 3 *75 is = 15.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Vocabulary Fired or Laid Off

English Vocabulary Fired or Laid Off I was helping a student prepare for an interview the other day and, while doing so, we began discussing working conditions in his country. We came across two similar business-related English vocabulary words: being fired and being laid off. Do you know what the difference is between them?Let’s explore this now.What does it mean to be fired?Being fired suggests that the employee is parting ways with his/her job permanently or for good. The term may also imply that misconduct on the employee’s part was behind the firing. Misconduct in the workplace includes arriving at working late repeatedly, fraud and misuse or theft of company property.What does it mean to be laid off?If an employee is laid off, it can mean that he/she is losing his/her job because there isn’t sufficient work available to justify the salary. It can also mean that he/she might be re-employed by your company when the situation improves. Being laid off can mean that the job was lost through no fault of the employ ee.The difference between the two words can also be important if you are applying for unemployment benefit from the company afterwards. In some  cases you will be given this benefit if you are laid off (through no fault of your own) but you will be denied it if authorities suspect misconduct.Lets look at the following photograph about being laid off:What does this image depict?Do you agree with the sentiment expressed by the caption?Did you find this blog helpful? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

5 Persuasive Essay Writing Tools

5 Persuasive Essay Writing Tools Writing a persuasive essay is a complex task. Because the goal of a persuasive essay is to present one side of a tightly organized argument with supporting arguments and evidence, there are a number of skills you will need to write a good one. Sometimes called an opinion essay, the persuasive essay is widely used as a measure of the students academic potential. Many teachers view a university education as largely about learning to find information and present it in an organized fashion in support of a testable claim about the world. Persuasive essay writing is therefore seen as a step toward mastering all academic writing. Narrative writing, on the other hand, is not considered nearly as important. Wouldnt it be nice to have a few tools to make learning essay writing easier and more efficient? Here are five I have created for my colleagues. I hope you find them useful, guys. 1. Argument and rebuttal glossaries To write an essay well, it helps to have the vocabulary to express your argument. You can build your vocabulary for essay writing with this glossary of argument vocabulary. The glossary has terms, definitions, translations, pronunciation models, and sample sentences to help you learn how to use these argument terms. You can test yourself with a fun argument vocabulary card game with two or three friends. If you have no friends, try this online argument vocabulary matching exercise. If you want to include a counterargument and rebuttal, you might also like to look at the rebuttal glossary, rebuttal card game, and rebuttal vocabulary matching exercise. 2. Opinion essay outliner Some teachers emphasize planning an essay before writing it. The plan for an essay is called an outline. To learn to write an essay outline fast, try the Virtual Writing Tutors opinion essay outliner. You will need a free membership for that as the system needs to be able to store your outline somewhere. 3. Body paragraph checker As an intermediary step on the way to a full opinion essay, it would be helpful to get some feedback on your supporting arguments, right? To that end, I created a body-paragraph formative evaluation. Write the meat of your hamburger essay first and work on the top and bottom bun afterwards. 4. How to write thesis statements When the time comes for you to write a summary of your argument in the form of a thesis statement, you might want to try using a few helpful phrases. Here is a list of 30 ways to phrase a thesis statement. For a more general and thorough explanation of thesis statement writing, check my blog post on how to write awesome thesis statements. 5. Formative opinion essay evaluation Before you hand in your essay for a score from your professor, why not let me give you a score and feedback so you can make some improvements first? I created an opinion essay evaluation system. It checks essays in two seconds and gives you feedback and a score to help you improve. Want to teach English abroad? Heres a teacher training course you might like. Please follow and like us:

Winners of the Great English Giveaway

Winners of the Great English Giveaway About 2 weeks ago we announced a sweepstakes in which wed give away 20 1-month SpeakENG packages to italki members.   We had a lot of great entries to the contest, you can check them out here: Chinese speakers, speakers of other languages.   After receiving so many amusing and interesting entries, we had a difficult time narrowing down the list, but we did manage to choose 20 winners. Congratulations to these members whove won a 1-month subscription to the SpeakENG course. Eucilene       Brazil Amanda      Brazil Yingshine      China Lucinda      China Tony Feng      China Lucky      China Ahmed Elrazki      Egypt Hery      Indonesia Joy       China/Japan Hamahamacchi      Japan Queen Bees      Lebanon CINTHYA      Peru Ugly      Russia Firuz      Tajikistan Nao       Japan/USA Sharanya India Ozan Turkey Sarah Iraq Hasan Bangladesh Winners should claim their prize by the 28th of September and then will have one month to use it.   Good luck to all the winners!   We have high hopes for your improved English ability and we look forward to hearing from you after you use this package. For those of you who didnt win, you can still buy the SpeakENG Online Course for either 1 year or 1 month.   Dont forget the special introductory price of $16 for the 1-year course will be ending September 30.   So make sure you take advantage of the reduced rate and buy before the end of the month! Winners of the Great English Giveaway About 2 weeks ago we announced a sweepstakes in which wed give away 20 1-month SpeakENG packages to italki members.   We had a lot of great entries to the contest, you can check them out here: Chinese speakers, speakers of other languages.   After receiving so many amusing and interesting entries, we had a difficult time narrowing down the list, but we did manage to choose 20 winners. Congratulations to these members whove won a 1-month subscription to the SpeakENG course. Eucilene       Brazil Amanda      Brazil Yingshine      China Lucinda      China Tony Feng      China Lucky      China Ahmed Elrazki      Egypt Hery      Indonesia Joy       China/Japan Hamahamacchi      Japan Queen Bees      Lebanon CINTHYA      Peru Ugly      Russia Firuz      Tajikistan Nao       Japan/USA Sharanya India Ozan Turkey Sarah Iraq Hasan Bangladesh Winners should claim their prize by the 28th of September and then will have one month to use it.   Good luck to all the winners!   We have high hopes for your improved English ability and we look forward to hearing from you after you use this package. For those of you who didnt win, you can still buy the SpeakENG Online Course for either 1 year or 1 month.   Dont forget the special introductory price of $16 for the 1-year course will be ending September 30.   So make sure you take advantage of the reduced rate and buy before the end of the month!

Davy College

Davy College Davy College Davy College is situated in the Andes of Northern Peru at an altitude of 2750 metres. It is named after Sir Humphry Davy, the inventor of one of the first safety lamps for miners, thus underlining the importance of the mining industry to the economy of the city and region of Cajamarca. The students are mainly Peruvian and depending on the needs of the working population, the school also caters for the children of expatriate workers.The school was founded in 1995. The school embraces a model of bilingual education where English isthe main languageof instruction in Early Years and Primary, and where the vital importance of Spanish as the mother tongue is given a central role. The International Baccalaureate Diploma was introduced in 2001. Long recognised as the finest pre-university programme available, it gives a thorough preparation for students entering the best universities in Peru and worldwide. There is little doubt that one of our highest expectations of students is the achievement of advanced proficiency in both English and Spanish. Regardless of students relevant backgrounds, Davy College is devoted to helping all students achieve oral and written fluency in both languages. We believe strongly that a culture of bilingualism will provide students with intellectual and economic advantages in the global community that awaits them upon graduation. The infrastructure is outstanding. The sports facilities are excellent with ample open fields and covered area, as well as a superb gymnasium that provides an excellent forum for games and also for dance presentations. The library was purpose-built and contains over 40,000 volumes, with sections for Primary and Secondary age students. There is an open plan area for Visual Arts, and very well-equipped music rooms. The suite of science labs with preparation rooms attached allows the teacher ample options for developing the skills of scientific investigation. The school has built up a well-deserved reputation for Drama productions, often presenting two major shows a year, varying from intense classical drama to a series of rousing musicals. The educational system in Davy College is progressive, inclusive and balanced. It aims to provide opportunities for students to experience the joy of learning in a harmonious and purposeful community, to accept personal challenge, to develop a service ethic towards the wider community, and to take their place among tomorrows leaders. Forming Leaders for the World